4th Annual Run 4 Science 5K, 10K, or fun runs for kids! April 12, 2014
Support Our local Science Center located at the downtown Fort Walton Beach Landing for the 4th Annual Run for Science event, April 12th, 2014. The Science Center will host a 5K, 10K, and fun runs for younger children. This event is for the whole family and all proceeds goto the Emerald Coast Science Center. The Emerald Coast Science center is a vital part of our County. They support our area schools by assisting some schools with Science programs and classes, which is important for growing Scientist for our future. They offer FCAT enrichment for area schools which is a in-depth curriculum for K and 5th grade students, taught at the school. They also provide many programs for homeschoolers and families for fun. Family Science night is an evening filled with science experiments at your school for teachers, kids and parents. The Planetarium is a portable planetarium which allows the Science Center to bring the universe right to your school. Also the Emerald Coast Science center has offered the first Lego League for kids. Great opportunities of growing our local children’s minds in the world of Science. Please consider supporting this wonderful Non-profit organization in the name of Science. Visit the website to register for fun run http://run4science.com, or visit their website at http://www.ecscience.org/generalinfo.htm